Design Process to Assist Survivors of Sexual Assault
Experience Prototype & Demo Plan - Milestone 3
At the end of Milestone 2, our scope was narrowed to focus on the interaction and communication between survivors of sexual abuse, the law enforcement investigators assigned to their case, and crisis advocates assigned to their case. This milestone will encompass development of a design structure that will streamline the process of informing the victim that a hit has occurred on their forensic evidence kit. Emphasis will be on the methods that are used to initiate contact with, and engage with survivors.
Research has shown us that survivors were not comfortable learning about their cases abruptly by investigators and that they wished they had more control over the methods that they receive and interact with them. Project Phoenix is designed so that the investigators and crisis advocates assigned to each case are able to contact each other, but contact with the survivor must come through the crisis advocate only. This ensures that the survivor is speaking with a highly trained individual that specializes in traumatic sexual assaults and that their voices will be heard.
USER ENACTMENTS: Updates in information
A preliminary wireframe was created of the overall site and a wireframe was created to represent user, LEO and Advocate interaction that would potentially occur when a survivor updates her information within Project Phoenix.
The first images are of the overall site concept and the second are the wireframes for the user enactment and depicts what each person involved in the investigation would see and how they would interact. Here the survivor notices her address has been input incorrectly and makes the necessary changes.

Preliminary wireframe of entire Project Phoenix website Login Selection

Preliminary wireframe of entire Project Phoenix website Survivor Login

Low Fidelity prototype depicting information and contact screen

Preliminary wireframe of entire Project Phoenix website Login Selection
SPEED DATING MATRIX: Reflecting Information Updates
In this scenario a survivor logs into the system to discover that her address has been entered into the system incorrectly. She selects the button to edit and fixes her address. This sends an alert across the system and alerts the investigator that a change has been made. Verification is then requested by LEO or advocate to confirm and then everyone updates their records accordingly.

USER INFORMATION WIREFRAMES​: Scenario: Wrong Address Editing user address

Wireframe of survivor login. Scenario: Change in information

Survivor Login credentials page Scenario: Change of information

Wireframe depicts dialogue after survivor completes change

Wireframe of survivor login. Scenario: Change in information

Wireframe presenting alert system when a survivor makes a change to her profile.

Wireframe presenting alert system when a survivor makes a change to her profile.

Wireframe presenting alert system when a survivor makes a change to her profile.

Wireframe presenting alert system when a survivor makes a change to her profile.
USER INFORMATION WIREFRAMES​ : Scenario: Address correction LEO perspective
Testing for this site was presented to groups of individuals who had little to no knowledge our project and to those who had varying levels of knowledge about investigations and sexual assault.
Questions presented were:
Does the site function as a tool for communication easily?
Would you use this?
Do you think it effectively conveys the message of communication and connectivity to the user?
Testing was also conducted among a group of college students from Duke University:
When asking the students what they thought would be an appealing design for them in a legal/confidential app, the responses seemed to be unanimous. It became clear that safety was a priority when using apps considered confidential in nature. What they considered to be the “safest” looking apps are those that include the following:
Not colorful
Simple Design
No advertisements
Straight to business
They mentioned that the idea behind the list above is that when you get on an app or website that has confidential information then they are going on there for a specific reason. This means that they already know what they want to do, where to find the information on there, or how to search for the right information and get fast results.
When there is an option for searching then it should be found within a one word limit. For example, typing in the search bar something like “forums” will take you to everything related to forums. Searching for “Rape Crisis Centers” will immediately pull up one of two results, locations and contact information.
I believe that the implication behind what they mentioned about search options is that we need to have concise, specific, yet detailed information and options for our design. Making sure that all our options and choices on the app/website have to do with rape, information about rape, and the rape kit process. This way the choices are few but detailed. With that said, I do think that we already have that covered to a very good extend.
When asked about what apps they use that they consider to be “professional” and “confidential” looking they pointed generally to banking apps. Examples are shown below.
When utilizing the apps, they tend to be incredibly simplistic in animations and design and do nothing more than present you the information you want and need and an option for contact information.
Lastly, after showing the students the two designs for the app/website (rounded shapes vs non-rounded shapes) they claimed that non-rounded shapes made it feel more “legal” but the rounded shapes gave a friendlier modern vibe while maintaining some of the confidentiality look to it. A suggestion was made to focus on having a soothing and calming look to anything that brings memories back of the rape. When I implored on this suggestion they mentioned that options such as the forums are naturally more easygoing and easy to use as compared to contacting the advocate and asking about why progress has not been made to the investigation. All the same to areas of the website/app in which the survivor will have to recollect memories of the event to assist the investigation or when they receive bad news; these should all have soothing colors and shapes to help keep the survivor at ease.
Sounds like a great idea, could interfere with current systems in place​
What happens if I'm not logged into my system.- APD detective
Another system to learn? - Same APD Detective
Lazy officers might not input information in a timely manner - APD Internal Affairs Associate
I'd use it and wish it was already in existence and officers were using it- a survivor of sexual assault

Mood Boards
Design elements like shape, color, and effects of color were considered during the creation of this project. Iterations were created using various color palettes and combinations before settling on a color scheme that would enhance the features of the site and take into account the user reaction to it. Soft, cool colors evoke a calming reaction. Rounded corners to soften the overall look and feel as well as gradients, and subtle imagery were all considered.

System Development Plan
Development of Project Phoenix will incorporate the development of a secure website and mobile application. Current secure sites similar to this concept are CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) and other law enforcement and government entity databases. Backend linking could take several years as some departments are older and IT infrastructure must be updated first.
Creation and linking are possible in partnership with current companies that are listed as preferred vendors for government law enforcement agencies. Project and scope will be presented to all parties involved within the next 5 to 10 years to determine the appropriate course of implementation. I.e. Would it be easier to implement directly through LEO agencies, or through IT companies currently doing work for them?
Things to consider:
Can this get a long with other systems in place?
Site design - softer, more subtle design concepts needed - potential separation of designs maybe for LEO and
Privacy -automatic logout
Development of a High Resolution interactive mockup is our next step in the development of Project Phoenix. Adobe XD will be used to design and create a mockup of Project Phoenix for Milestone 4.